
put two liters of water in a pot and bring to a boil, then add a piece of onion, the celery stalk and a carrot cut in quarters, let these ingredients be perfectly cooked and add the fish head, cook until obtaining a broth and remove the meat from the head.

make a sauce in the container where the stew is going to work using the oil and the onion, once boiled add the carrot cut into small squares.

Add the fish bone broth to the previous preparation, let it boil and immediately add the chopped green and the peas, let these two ingredients cook until they are medium soft.

Add the yucca cut into pieces to the soup and cook until smooth, then add the fish cut into pieces, cook the whole soup for a few more minutes adding the salt, pepper and cumin.

serve the soup hot and sprinkle with the parsley.


  • - 1 fish head
  • - 1 kilo of fish
  • - 2 greens
  • - 3 pieces of cassava
  • - 1 kg of peas
  • - 2 carrots
  • - 2 garlic cloves
  • - 3 tablespoons chopped parsley
  • - 1 white onion
  • - 1 celery stalk
  • - 2 tablespoons of oil
  • - salt, pepper and cumin.