
peel the apples
- remove the center, cut into slices about 4 mm thick.
- separate the whites from the egg yolks (be careful not to let the yolk fall into the egg whites container).
- In a bowl place the flour and add the egg yolks and milk, mixing very well until a homogeneous paste is left.
- At the last minute, add the whites beaten to snow, the baking powder and the whiskey (the alcohol will make the fritters fluffier and lighter, if desired it can be omitted)
- heat the oil very well, pass each apple slice through the previous preparation and fry on both sides.
- drain with kitchen paper and sprinkle the apple fritters with sugar and cinnamon.

serve hot or lukewarm


  • green apples 3
  • self-rising flour, 350 g
  • eggs, 3
  • milk, 1 and ½ cups
  • baking powder, 1 teaspoon
  • whiskey or a white drink, 2 tablespoons (optional)
  • sunflower oil or similar with a neutral flavor, 1 l
  • sugar and cinnamon, amount needed