
Season the meat with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper and let it rest for at least 1h or up to 12h in the refrigerator.

In a pan, place 400 g of lard, the meat and the bay leaf, cover with enough cold water to cover the meat in 2 cm and light the fire.

When it starts to boil, turn the heat down and cook for about 2 hours, or until the water is completely dry and the meat is tender, but without browning (stick with a fork to test and, if necessary, add a little more water hot).

Remove from heat, transfer the meat to a pan or pot or can, where it will stay and let it cool completely.

Meanwhile, in the same pan, place the remaining lard and heat it enough to melt, as soon as it melts, remove from heat and, when it is almost cold but still liquid, pour over the meat.

Cover the can with a clean cloth and only cover it when everything has cooled completely.

When you want to serve, you can do it with cold meat or heat it up and if you want to let it brown on both sides


  • 2 kg of boneless pork leg, cut into cubes of about 10 cm
  • 2 kg of lard (approximately)
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoon of coarse salt (70 gr)
  • Black pepper