
the onion is fried, the squash is added, then a cup of milk and the water.

cook until the pumpkin is soft, liquefy in the juicer.
Put this puree in a saucepan, add the rest of the milk and take to the fire until it boils, seasoning with salt and pepper.
Here are the personal options, to serve decide if you want to add a little cream, stir and serve. Another is to serve it with the croutons, with choricillos or slices of previously fried longaniza.


  • ½ kilo of pumpkin
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 liter of milk (skim)
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • ½ grated onion
  • optional: cream, croutons (fried bread cubes) or choricillos.