
(10 yolks and 4 whole eggs can be a good proportion).
In a pan, put the sugar and enough water to wet the sugar and put it on the fire, stirring constantly with a spatula or wooden spoon, until the sugar is completely dissolved and begins to brown, which is noticeable because the syrup begins to acquire a yellowish color.
set aside and let cool to room temperature.
in a bowl, beat the eggs. there are those who recommend hitting the blender, but it is better to mix it with your hands. Pour the cold syrup over the beaten eggs, very slowly, in the form of a very thin fillet and always stir with the wooden spoon, until you get a very homogeneous mixture. At this point, some people recommend straining the mixture, even twice, to prevent lumps from forming.
prepare the mold by greasing it with liquid caramel, which can be bought ready (in sachet),
or make with half a glass of water and two tablespoons of sugar, bring to the fire and stir until the sugar caramelizes, acquiring the characteristic color of caramel or topaz. You can use an aluminum pan with high walls or distribute the dough in individual aluminum trays.
Prepare a bain-marie, using a large pot or deep roasting pan, with an amount of water that does not exceed half the height of the mold walls, to prevent water, when boiling, from entering the mold, as it would spoil the dough. The mold can be covered with aluminum foil, in which the holes are made with the tip of a knife.
place the pan with the dough in a water bath for 45 minutes. To check if it is ready, prick it with a knife and, if it comes out clean, it can be stored. Allow to cool to room temperature and, when cool, carefully turn the mold over a tray.
served cold.


  • 14 eggs.
  • 1/2 kilo of sugar.
  • 2 glasses of water.