
put a deep frying pan with plenty of oil on the fire and when it is hot add the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes and the onion cut into julienne.

Salt and cover the pan. keep the fire not too strong, so that the potatoes with onion are cooked in oil. when they are very soft and lightly browned, but before frying completely, remove from the pan and drain the oil.

In a bowl, beat the eggs, some people recommend to beat the egg whites first, almost until the snow, then add the egg yolks and continue beating until you get a good mixture, pour the potatoes and the onion over the beaten eggs and stir well that everything is fine mixed. rectify with salt.

Take a frying pan that has a good bottom to prevent it from sticking, add two tablespoons of olive oil and when it is very hot, stir in the pan so that it is well greased with oil, then add the mixture of eggs, potatoes and onion and spread well.

lower the heat and stir in a circular motion so that the ´´baile´´ tortilla doesn’t stick. cook until you see it start to bubble.

turn the omelet (in addition to other connotations).

if the pan is too dry, add 2 more tablespoons of oil and when it is
very hot, let's add the tortilla again, letting it slide carefully from the plate to the pan. move again with circular movements and let it cook for 1 to 2 minutes, depending on the taste of the diners, as some like it to be roasted on the outside and almost raw inside and unlike the others who like it well cooked. there are those who use the stick test and when it comes out dry, it will be ready.
It can be eaten hot, but it is also good cold and, why not, even as a sandwich.


  • ingredients for 4 6 5 people
  • 1 kilo of potatoes.
  • 9 eggs
  • 1 medium onion.
  • olive oil.
  • Salt.