Burrito tea

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Burrito tea

The tick has deworming, calming, sedative, hypotensive, hypotensive, expectorant, stimulating, emollient, diuretic, depurative, healing, cathartic, carminative, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibiotic, antibacterial and astringent properties. So it is used in folk medicine, for the treatment of abscesses, colic, conjunctivitis, worms, indigestion, hypertension, wounds, has healing action, hemorrhoids, dysentery, tonsillitis, thrush, skin conditions, toothaches, headaches and diabetes In addition to fighting allergies, it helps to clear the airways by treating persistent coughs after the flu. It is a powerful muscle relaxant, so it is widely used to treat back pain. It works better than painkillers as it has no side effects.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tablespoons of the herb
  • Preparation mode
  • Add the ingredients and bring to the fire, and when it boils, turn off the heat, cover, and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Strain and consume at the ideal temperature.

Medicinal benefits of: Burrito tea

    Burrito tea belongs to the group of:
  • Teas that help in the treatment of skin wounds
  • Teas to relieve cough
  • Teas that help remove excess fat from the skin's surface
  • Teas to relieve headache
  • Teas that help in the treatment of thrush
  • Teas with antibiotic action
  • Teas that aid in the treatment of tonsillitis
  • Expectorant teas
  • Teas to control hypertension
  • Teas for diarrhea problems
  • Teas to help heal (healing)
  • Teas with analgesic function
  • Soothing teas
  • Teas to eliminate colic
  • Teas with macrobial benefits
  • Teas with antibacterial action
  • Teas that help control diabetes
  • Teas with antispasmodic benefits
  • Teas for poor digestion
  • Blood purifying teas
  • Teas that aid in the treatment of vermifuge
  • Teas that help in the treatment of flu
  • Diuretic teas
  • Teas with antiseptic functionality

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This recipe was consulted 8478 X - Since: 2020-12-07 - Shared by: Abigail Flauzino