
cook the lollipops in a pot with boiling water and a tablespoon of salt for three minutes. remove, drain and let cool.

Blend the lollipops with the milk, pour them into a pot and cook over medium heat for two minutes. season with salt and pepper. add a tablespoon of butter and cook for another minute. remove from heat and reserve.

Season the parakeet fillets with salt and pepper and brown them over medium heat in the remaining butter, for five minutes per side. add the lemon juice, the fish stock and the mint. lower the heat let cook for three more minutes. remove from the fire.

serve the fish, bathe with the sauce and serve with the mashed pallares.


  • six cups of green beans
  • a cup of evaporated milk
  • three tablespoons of butter
  • six fillets of parakeet of 200 grams each
  • a quarter cup of lemon juice
  • a quarter cup of fish broth
  • four tablespoons of minced spearmint
  • salt and pepper to taste