
In the bottom of the container put the liquid, the chickpeas, carrots, bay leaf, garlic, tomatoes, salt, pepper, onions, chilies, 4 avocado leaves.

the grid is placed on the top of the steamer, which is lined with maguey leaves; The meats are alternated with avocado leaves, covered with more maguey leaves and covered by sealing the edge of the container with tortilla dough or a mixture of flour and water that forms a dough similar to a breadcrumb.

it is cooked directly on the fire for approximately 4 hours.

note: you cannot do without pulque, beer or water, placing only vegetables at the bottom; thus a more concentrated consommé is obtained.

description: for 20 to 25 people
prep time: 30 minutes
cooking time: approximately 4 hours
utensils: steaming large or alcohol can with rack and lid


  • 1 leg of lamb from 3 to 4 kilos
  • 2 kg. rack of lamb
  • 250 gms. chickpeas previously soaked
  • 1 kg. carrots, diced
  • 6 bay leaves
  • 10 garlic cloves
  • 10 green tomatoes with peel halved
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 onions quartered
  • 4 liters of pulque, beer or water
  • 8 roasted maguey stalks
  • 12 avocado leaves
  • 6 green chilies (optional)