
place the sifted flour in a deep bowl. make a hole in the center and put the dry ingredients and form a dough with the help of your fingers until it is homogeneous, let it rest with a plastic cover, stretch and line the individual tart molds previously buttered and floured.

Bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Reserve.

Prepare the pastry cream, beating the yolks with the sugar and cornstarch, add the hot milk but only half, return everything to the pot until it thickens, fill the tart molds.

cut the peaches into even wedges and cover the cakes, put a natural shine and serve, the natural shine can be replaced with peach jelly in a thin layer and put in the cold.


  • two cups of flour
  • two hundred grams of margarine
  • an egg yolk
  • a tablespoon of warm water
  • a cup and a half of fresh milk
  • seven yolks
  • half a cup of sugar
  • three tablespoons of cornstarch
  • a can of peaches