
cut the tortillas into strips and fry them in butter, letting them brown slightly.

remove the skin from the tomato, cook it and grind it with the onion and garlic; then fry in lard.

Add the chilies (previously roasted, deveined and cut into strips). season with salt and pepper. remove from heat, let cool for a while and add the cream. butter an ovenproof dish.

Mix the tortillas with the previous sauce and pour it all into the source. spread the grated cheese and bits of butter on top.

put in the oven, which should be at 200ºC. until lightly browned. serve hot.


  • 12 small tortillas
  • 50 grams grated cheese
  • 1/2 cup of cream
  • 100 grs. butter
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 4 poblano peppers
  • Butter
  • salt and pepper