
step 1: cut the tuna into cubes (if you prefer less done) ... they can also be sliced ​​.. marinate the tuna with lemon juice for about 15 minutes.

step 2: after that time, dry, season and flour the tuna. put a little oil in a frying pan to fry the tuna on both sides (if it has been sliced) if tacos are made, it will be a little raw in the center ... fry in a frying pan with oil on both sides, round and round and set aside.

step 3: fry the chopped garlic cloves and onion and add the tomato sauce.

step 4: mash the egg yolk cooked in a pestle with some parsley leaves and a little cider. Add to the previous sauce, along with the fish stock and the rest of the cider.

step 5: place the tuna in a clay pot with the sauce. cook for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.


  • 1 kg. of tuna
  • 1 boiled egg yolk
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 dl of tomato sauce
  • 1 dl of fish stock
  • 1 dl of cider
  • olive oil
  • flour
  • parsley
  • salt