
way of doing:
cook the okra, drain, wash well to remove the drool and let it dry. chop the tomatoes, the onion, the peppers, the green smell and the peppers into pieces. mix everything and cook in another pan. throw the prawns and the dried okra. boil the vinegar leaves (they should be removed from the branch just before preparing the dish) until they are soft. remove them from the pan and let them drain, kneading them with your hands to remove excess acidity. put on a board and cut them into thin strips. this done, pour on top of the other ingredients in the pan and mix well, to give the final consistency.

variation of cuxá rice - just cook it separately and mix with batipuru until it becomes a homogeneous paste.


  • - 1 pack of vinegar
  • - 1 kg of okra
  • - 1 kg fresh tomato
  • - 1/2 kg onion
  • - 1/2 kg of bell pepper
  • - 100 g of murici pepper
  • - 100 g of sweet pepper (sweet pepper)
  • - 3 packs of green scent
  • - 500 g of dried shrimp (medium), without shell