
cut cabbages and turnip greens by hand.
cook the ham or bone in enough water for the soup (about 2 liters).
when the ham is cooked, the bones are removed (if any).
the meat is shredded and the cabbage, turnip greens and olive oil are added.
Apart, the corn flour is broken up with a little cold water, which is added to the broth, when the vegetables are almost cooked.
the flour is allowed to cook and thicken and the salt is rectified.
it is served hot in a terrine.


  • 6 kale leaves (furrowed)
  • 1 turnip sauce
  • 1 slice of ham or 1 ham bone with attached meat
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 125 grams of corn flour
  • pepper (q.b.)
  • salt (q.s.)