
the live lamprey is scalded by dipping it in boiling water (a string can be tied to the head to better remove it from the water).
scrape the lamprey with a knife to remove the viscous layer that surrounds it and rub it with a burlap towel. after shaving, wash in cold running water and place in a large bowl with the wines.
without removing the lamprey from the bowl, the head is cut off. then a cut is made along the last three lower holes. another cut is made in the anal area, bypassing the hole that exists next to the tail, taking care not to pierce the digestive tube or gut so that its contents will not spoil the wine and lamprey blood that has flowed into the container . the whole casing is then removed quickly and carefully.
the lamprey is cut into slices of 4 to 6 cm, which are introduced into the blood with the wines, and seasoned with salt, pepper and the bouquet of smells. leave in this marinade for about 1 hour.
chop the onion and bring to the heat in a pan with the olive oil lightly browning; add the drained lamprey slices, the ham cut into dice and let it cook for 10 minutes.
then sprinkle with the marinade, in which the flour was previously broken up. cook on low heat for about 20 minutes, taking care to stir from time to time.
when the lamprey is cooked, remove it from the pan and allow the sauce to refine for another 10 minutes. take to the heat to heat.
on a platter the slices of toasted bread cut into squares are placed and on each of them a lamprey piece is placed.
drizzle with the sauce, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve accompanied by rice.
Around it are triangles of toasted bread.


  • 1.5 kg of lamprey;
  • 2 dl of ripe red wine;
  • 2 dl of red green wine;
  • 50 gr of ham;
  • 1.5 dl of oil;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 bouquet of smells (parsley, bay leaf, 1 clove of garlic);
  • 1 dessert spoon of flour;
  • salt; chili; Chopped parsley; toasted bread.