
clean the chicken very well and wash it.
cook the chicken in salted water with the onion, which should not be too cooked.
save this water to make a soup, if you want. peel the cloves of garlic, cut the fat bacon (without skin) into small pieces and step everything very well in a mortar until dough is formed.
then add the lard and pepper until you get a uniform paste.
after the cooked chicken has cooled, spread it very well with this dough inside and out and place it in a black clay pot of molelos and take it to the very hot wood stove oven (preferably) to brown.
from time to time drizzle the chicken with its own sauce and remove it when it is blond to your liking.
place the chicken on a platter and serve it with french fries and garnished with lettuce, watercress, orange slices and black olives.


  • 1 homemade hen
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 120 gr. of fat bacon (half-salt)
  • 1 coffee spoon of ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of lard
  • salt (q.s.)
  • olives (q.s.)
  • slices of orange (q.b.)
  • French fries (to taste)
  • lettuce and watercress (q.s.)