
add 2 of the egg whites to the sugar and in a pyrex light over low heat in a water bath, to melt the sugar slightly (be careful not to cook the egg whites), stirring constantly.
when the egg whites are warm and the more diluted sugar remove from heat and let cool.
with an electric mixer, beat this mixture well and gradually incorporate the remaining egg whites. beat them until they rise (they don't go up much but stay in a castle).
place the preparation on a cookie cutter or arrange it with a spoon on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
bake at about 100ºc until dry and sweet. keep in mind that the sighs cook quite quickly, so it’s good to have all the same size, so that some are not ready and others are not they are ready when you touch them with your finger and they don't give in.


  • 4 egg whites
  • 2 cups of sugar