
undo the baker's yeast with a little milk and 1 tablespoon of sugar. mix everything well and let it rise at room temperature for about 30 minutes. sift the flour into a container; make a hole in the middle and pour the yeast mixture that was left to rise there. add the rest of the milk, sugar, butter, egg yolks, salt and lemon zest. knead well until the dough comes off the hands and walls of the bowl. let it rise again for about 30-40 minutes. then roll out the dough on a bench floured with the dough roller so that it is about 2 cm high and cut slices about 8 cm in diameter. let it rise a little more and then fry them in hot oil for about 10 minutes. drain them and sprinkle with sugar while they are still hot. you can also fill with pastry cream.


  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 80 g of butter
  • 1 cup of sugar tea
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 dl of milk
  • 30 g of baker's yeast
  • 500 g of wheat flour