Fish-based recipes

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: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Bermuda

1 huevo harina pimentón, al gusto 1/4 cucharadita de tomillo, picado 1/2 cucharadita de suelo negro recién pimienta 1 cucharadita de sal marina 2 cucharadas de perejil finamente picado 550 g de puré de papa 450 g de bacalao cocido, en copos 1 cebolla pequeña, rallada ... View more »

German style salmon

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Germany

1 kg of salmon 1 teaspoon of salt 1 grated onion and 1 finely chopped onion 3 tablespoons butter 60 g of bacon 1 tablespoon shallow of paprika 1 tablespoon of wheat flour 1 cup of white wine 2 tablespoons sour cream to sour the cream, just leave it in the fridge the day before. accompanyi ... View more »

Ajo Arriero

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Spain

1 kg of salmon 1 teaspoon of salt 1 grated onion and 1 finely chopped onion 3 tablespoons butter 60 g of bacon 1 tablespoon shallow of paprika 1 tablespoon of wheat flour 1 cup of white wine 2 tablespoons sour cream to sour the cream, just leave it in the fridge the day before. accompanyi ... View more »

Bacalao a la Alcarreña

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Spain

1 kg of salmon 1 teaspoon of salt 1 grated onion and 1 finely chopped onion 3 tablespoons butter 60 g of bacon 1 tablespoon shallow of paprika 1 tablespoon of wheat flour 1 cup of white wine 2 tablespoons sour cream to sour the cream, just leave it in the fridge the day before. accompanyi ... View more »

Trout With smoked Ham

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Spain

4 trout. 4 slices of Serrano ham 3 garlic cloves flour extra virgin oil Salt ... View more »

Salmón Kedgeree

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: United Kingdom

4 trout. 4 slices of Serrano ham 3 garlic cloves flour extra virgin oil Salt ... View more »

Panceta y Abadejo

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: United Kingdom

4 trout. 4 slices of Serrano ham 3 garlic cloves flour extra virgin oil Salt ... View more »

Atun al Horno Con Papas

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Uruguay

4 trout. 4 slices of Serrano ham 3 garlic cloves flour extra virgin oil Salt ... View more »

Salmon with grilled vegetables

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Uruguay

4 thick slices of salmon or tuna Salt Strained juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp. Of olive oil 1 tsp. dried tarragon 2 tbsp. mustard 1 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 or 2 zucchinis 6 large mushrooms 2 portobello mushrooms 1 fennel 1 medium carrot ½ red bell pepper ½ yellow bell pepper 2 green onions ... View more »

Sardinha ao Molho

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Italy

4 thick slices of salmon or tuna Salt Strained juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp. Of olive oil 1 tsp. dried tarragon 2 tbsp. mustard 1 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 or 2 zucchinis 6 large mushrooms 2 portobello mushrooms 1 fennel 1 medium carrot ½ red bell pepper ½ yellow bell pepper 2 green onions ... View more »

Robalo Com Laranja

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Italy

4 thick slices of salmon or tuna Salt Strained juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp. Of olive oil 1 tsp. dried tarragon 2 tbsp. mustard 1 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 or 2 zucchinis 6 large mushrooms 2 portobello mushrooms 1 fennel 1 medium carrot ½ red bell pepper ½ yellow bell pepper 2 green onions ... View more »

Bacalhau ao Creme

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Italy

4 thick slices of salmon or tuna Salt Strained juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp. Of olive oil 1 tsp. dried tarragon 2 tbsp. mustard 1 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 or 2 zucchinis 6 large mushrooms 2 portobello mushrooms 1 fennel 1 medium carrot ½ red bell pepper ½ yellow bell pepper 2 green onions ... View more »

Bacalhau Com Alcaparras

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Italy

4 thick slices of salmon or tuna Salt Strained juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp. Of olive oil 1 tsp. dried tarragon 2 tbsp. mustard 1 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 or 2 zucchinis 6 large mushrooms 2 portobello mushrooms 1 fennel 1 medium carrot ½ red bell pepper ½ yellow bell pepper 2 green onions ... View more »

Atum Com Anchovas

: Recipes from: Fish
:Recipes from: Italy

4 thick slices of salmon or tuna Salt Strained juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp. Of olive oil 1 tsp. dried tarragon 2 tbsp. mustard 1 tbsp. mayonnaise 1 or 2 zucchinis 6 large mushrooms 2 portobello mushrooms 1 fennel 1 medium carrot ½ red bell pepper ½ yellow bell pepper 2 green onions ... View more »