Typical dishes recipes

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Guiso de Canguro

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Australia

1 taza de buen vino tinto, 1 cucharada de cebollino picado, 1 diente de ajo picado, 1 cebolla pequeña, 550 gr. de solomillo de canguro, 1 cucharada de aceite, 1 taza de nata. ... View more »

Arroz de Garoupa

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Angola

1 taza de buen vino tinto, 1 cucharada de cebollino picado, 1 diente de ajo picado, 1 cebolla pequeña, 550 gr. de solomillo de canguro, 1 cucharada de aceite, 1 taza de nata. ... View more »

dried meat Calulu

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Angola

1 kg of dried meat 1 large onion 3 large tomatoes 2 garlic cloves 1/2 kg of okra 2 gorgettes or aubergine Palm oil sweet potato leaves or cassava leaves (gimboa) ... View more »

Luanda beans stew

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Luanda Angola

1/2 of butter beans 1 chorizo ​​with 200 gr 200 gr of ham 500 gr of pig's foot 250 gr of turnips with branch 1 dl of olive oil 1 medium onion 150 gr of cassava flour water, salt and gindungo ... View more »

Feijoada of Luanda (beans stew)

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Luanda Angola

1/2 of butter beans 1 chorizo ​​with 200 gr 200 gr of ham 500 gr of pig's foot 250 gr of turnips with branch 1 dl of olive oil 1 medium onion 150 gr of cassava flour water, salt and gindungo ... View more »

Algarvian açorda (bread soups)

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Algarve Portugal

150 g of clam kernels 150 g of shrimp kernels 150 g of cockle kernels 0.5 dl of olive oil a medium onion four cloves of garlic coriander four eggs 350g of homemade crusty bread salt ... View more »

Portuguese stewed broad beans

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Portugal

1.5 kg of hulled broad beans 1 meat chorizo 1 blood sausage 500 grs. of spare ribs 500 grs. streaky bacon 3 tablespoons of tomato pulp 1 dl of white wine 1 large onion 2 garlic cloves 1 tablespoon of lard 3 tablespoons + or - olive oil 1 bunch of coriander salt q.s. freshly ground peppe ... View more »

Braga Rice

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Braga Portugal

2 cups of boiling water 2 cups of broth 100 g of chopped smoked bacon 150 g of sausage 1 paio 1 chopped onion 4 chicken drumsticks 2 tablespoons of oil 2 cups of rice 1/2 small cabbage 1 chopped tomato salt q.s. ... View more »

Broad beans algarvian style

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Algarve Portugal

3.5 kg of broad beans 1 mint sauce 1 black pudding (Moorish chorizo) 150 gr bacon ... View more »

Braga's Duck Rice

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Braga Portugal

1 duck; 500 g of rice; 250 g of ham; 1 meat chorizo; 1/2 pig ear; 1 tablespoon of butter; 1 bunch of parsley; 1 lemon; 1 clove; salt; pepper. ... View more »

Woodcock in the Alentejo style

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Alentejo Portugal

Ingredients: for 4 people 4 woodcocks; 3 tablespoons of lard; 4 dl of white wine; 2 garlic cloves ; 2 tablespoons chopped onion; 3 eggs ; 3 cups of bread crumbs; salt and pepper ... View more »

Chickpea stew with Alentejo-style pods

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Portugal

for 4 to 5 people 250 g of grain; 500 g of pods (green beans); 250 g of potatoes; 1 slice of pumpkin; 300 g of lamb meat to cook; 100 g of bacon; 1 meat chorizo ​​(sausage); 1 farinheira; 200 g of homemade bread (hard); salt ; mint ... View more »

Açorda à Alentejana (Açorda is a dish based on wheat bread)

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Alentejo Portugal

Ingredients: for 4 people 1 good coriander sauce (or a small sauce of pennyroyal or a mixture of the two herbs); 2 to 4 cloves of garlic; 1 tablespoon well filled with coarse salt; 4 tablespoons of olive oil; 1.5 liter of boiling water; 400 g of homemade bread (crusty); 4 eggs ... View more »

Albardado Codfish

: Recipes from: Typical dishes
:Recipes from: Portugal

200 g of cod; 550 g of flour (approx.); 10 g of baker's yeast; olive oil ... View more »