Dessert Recipes

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Dominican hot oatmeal

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Dominican Republic

oats sugar Water milk cinnamon lemon peel ... View more »

Tvarohove Knedliky (Czech Dumplings)

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Czech Republic

250 gr flour 250 gr soft ricotta 50 gr butter 2 eggs pinch of salt jam or frozen plums as a filling melted butter. toasted breadcrumbs powdered sugar ... View more »

Banana Flan

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Cuba

6 ripe bananas 8 eggs 1 liter of milk 2 cups of sugar for the flan 100 g of sugar for the caramel 1/4 cup sweet sherry 1 cup of chopped walnuts ... View more »

Apple Pie 

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Canada

2 teaspoons sugar 75 grams of brown sugar 680 grams of apples 130 grams of margarine 300 grams of flour 10 cloves juice of 1/2 lemon 1 pinch of salt ... View more »

Cheesecake de Passionfruit

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Canada

2 teaspoons sugar 75 grams of brown sugar 680 grams of apples 130 grams of margarine 300 grams of flour 10 cloves juice of 1/2 lemon 1 pinch of salt ... View more »

Batidos Desnatados de Frutos Del Bosque y Miel

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Canada

2 teaspoons sugar 75 grams of brown sugar 680 grams of apples 130 grams of margarine 300 grams of flour 10 cloves juice of 1/2 lemon 1 pinch of salt ... View more »

Saskatoon berries with maple (mango) pudding and wine sauce

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Canada

100 g of flour 50 g breadcrumbs 25 g of wheat germs a pinch of salt 1 1/4 teaspoon yeast 100g maple sugar 2 eggs, at room temperature 75 g unsalted butter, softened 150 ml milk, at room temperature the zest of a lemon 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 200 ml saskatoon berry jam ice wine sauce: 100 g ... View more »

Apple pie

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Bulgaria

a large apple (yellow soft apples are best) 1-2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons dry milk a splash of milk 1 packet or 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 packet or a few drops vanilla a cinnamon bra whipped cream (optional ... View more »

Caramelo de Nata

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Bulgaria

a large apple (yellow soft apples are best) 1-2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons dry milk a splash of milk 1 packet or 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 packet or a few drops vanilla a cinnamon bra whipped cream (optional ... View more »

Delícia de Chocolate

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Portugal

a large apple (yellow soft apples are best) 1-2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons dry milk a splash of milk 1 packet or 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 packet or a few drops vanilla a cinnamon bra whipped cream (optional ... View more »

Marquise au Chocolat

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Portugal

a large apple (yellow soft apples are best) 1-2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons dry milk a splash of milk 1 packet or 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 packet or a few drops vanilla a cinnamon bra whipped cream (optional ... View more »

Pudding Abade de Priscos

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Portugal

1/2 kg of sugar 150 gr of sugar 50 gr of fresh bacon 1 cup (s) of port wine 12 egg yolk (s) 2 eggs 1 cinnamon stick 1 lemon peel 3 tablespoon of water 1/2 lt of water ... View more »


: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Portugal

1/2 kg of sugar 150 gr of sugar 50 gr of fresh bacon 1 cup (s) of port wine 12 egg yolk (s) 2 eggs 1 cinnamon stick 1 lemon peel 3 tablespoon of water 1/2 lt of water ... View more »

Orange Pudding

: Recipes from: Desserts
:Recipes from: Portugal

12 gems 6 egg whites zest of 1 orange juice of 3 oranges 1 teaspoon of flour 300 g of sugar ... View more »