Appetizer Recipes

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Yuca al Mojo

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Colombia

2 libras de yuca ajo aceite de oliva limón perejil sal pimienta ... View more »

Chorotas (stuffed corn dough)

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Santander Colombia

300 gr yellow corn dough 3 cloves of minced garlic 1 long chopped onion 1 tomato, peeled and chopped 1 boiled egg Salt to taste 300 gr of minced or ground meat ... View more »

Cebollitas en Encurtido

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Colombia

300 gr yellow corn dough 3 cloves of minced garlic 1 long chopped onion 1 tomato, peeled and chopped 1 boiled egg Salt to taste 300 gr of minced or ground meat ... View more »


: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Santander Colombia

300 gr yellow corn dough 3 cloves of minced garlic 1 long chopped onion 1 tomato, peeled and chopped 1 boiled egg Salt to taste 300 gr of minced or ground meat ... View more »

Coastal cheese

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Atlántico Colombia

10 liters of pure milk (unpasteurized) 150 grams of rennet 125 grams of salt ... View more »

Rice Arepa

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Magdalena Colombia

1 pound of rice ½ pound of cheese salt to taste ... View more »


: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Tolima Colombia

1 pound of rice ½ pound of cheese salt to taste ... View more »

Rice Peto

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Tolima Colombia

a pound of rice several sour orange leaves ... View more »

Envueltos de Mazorca

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Tolima Colombia

a pound of rice several sour orange leaves ... View more »


: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Tolima Colombia

a pound of rice several sour orange leaves ... View more »


: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Tolima Colombia

a pound of rice several sour orange leaves ... View more »

Arepitas Batidas

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Tolima Colombia

a pound of rice several sour orange leaves ... View more »


: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Colombia

a pound of rice several sour orange leaves ... View more »

Cassava starch casabe

: Recipes from: Accompaniments
:Recipes from: Colombia

three kilos of starch ... View more »